Since early October, 14-year-old actress has been living with temporary guardian and sister, Shanelle Gray. Recently,
the Sacramento Bee reports that Winter’s mother Chrisoula Workman has filed an objection to the guardianship, and is seeking to regain custody of her daughter.

Ariel Winter from Modern Family (Photo credit: glennia)
The ruling to place Winter with Gray came after Gray’s attorney alleged that Workman was subjecting her to ongoing physical and emotional abuse, including slapping and insulting her daughter. Workman denies the allegations, claiming, “I have never slapped or hit Arial,” and “I love Ariel very much and will do whatever is in her best interest.”
Workman believes that her teenage daughter is simply rebelling. She recently supplemented her court filings with medical records and reports from acquaintances of both Winter and Workman, who stated that they saw absolutely no signs that Workman was abusing her daughter.
Workman is estranged from her elder daughter Gray, and believes that Gray pursued the guardianship to further her own career. According to Gray’s attorney Michael Kretzmer, however, “There’s no truth whatsoever to Shanelle obtaining this guardianship for purposes of advancing her career or for some other personal gain.” He explains, “Shanelle is successful and has done very well in her own rights. This is a tragedy for her, too.”