
One of the things that makes managing legal issues so challenging is that the laws are always changing. This blog is designed to help you stay current on many of the latest changes.

Do It Yourself Estate Planning: How Much Are You Really Saving?

The Internet revolution of the last decade has replaced many high-touch services with cost effective, “do-it-yourself” (DIY) alternatives. As expected, the field of estate planning is not immune to the DIY phenomenon. There are plenty of websites and software packages which allow people to draft their own wills and trusts. These products are certainly more economical than the services of an attorney. Yet the question remains: is DIY estate planning a good idea?


How Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive Protect During Incapacity

It is often said that when you create an estate plan, “you plan for the worst, but hope for the best.” This phrase rings especially true with two particular documents, which should be included in every estate plan: Advance Health Care Directive and Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management. These documents come into play not at time of death, but in case of a person’s incapacity, whether it’s short lived or long term. Although the topic of incapacity is not the easiest to think about, it’s vital in protecting not just yourself, but also sparing the heartache and legal expenses to your loved ones.

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